Happy Anniversary to my husband of 4 years, Josh Burke! Here's a flashback to what it was like being newlyweds, working over 40 hours a week with a 2 hour commute, and sharing a bank account for the first time. Originally published on 1/13/2015 by Kristi Burke
Being a Wife comes with unique responsibilities and opportunities. Here are a few things I've learned in my 5 months of marriage. 1. You will both continue to work 40+ hours a week or more ... Because you both "NEED" to live on the Westside close to the beach ... Because YOLO ... Because the wedding was expensive 2. You will spend your day off... Cleaning ... Because your new hubby is dirtier than a freshman frat boy ... Because you are convinced to have a "big girl" apartment. ... Because you're less of a "Martha Stewart" type and more of a "I should hire someone to do this, right?" but you can't afford a cleaning service yet Wife Rule #1: Finders Keepers - Any money found cleaning and/or doing laundry is now yours $$$$ 3. You will need to negotiate how you spend that joint account of yours Him: "Acting classes are too expensive. You don't even want to be an actress." Me: " If I don't do something different, I will live and die working at the MALL!" Him: "Now you are just being dramatic" Me: "See I could be an actress!" 4. You will stare at your wedding photos and have a giant mug of Irish Coffee .... Because you married the sweetest man in the world ....Because you honeymooned in Ireland where you spiked your coffee every morning .... Because you are done making payments to the photographer
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Kristi BurkeKristi is a wife, mom-to-be, writer and real estate agent living in Kansas City. Archives
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